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Angriest Man in Brooklyn, The
Some people have bad days. Henry Altmann has one every day. Always unhappy and angry at the world, Henry’s life is turned upside-down when he is told by his stressed-out doctor, that he has a brain aneurysm and only has 90 minutes to live. Shocked and reeling from the news, Henry storms out of the office leaving Dr Gill stunned by what she has just done in a momentarily flustered lapse of judgment. In an attempt to get his affairs in order, and clear his conscience, Henry, who is now loose on the streets of Brooklyn, tries to right all of the wrongs he’s done, particularly to his wife, son, and brother. As Dr Gill sets out on a desperate city-wide search to find him, Henry is determined to make amends with everyone he has hurt in his life… before it is too late.
Robin Williams, Mila Kunis, Peter Dinklage, Melissa Leo, Earl Jones
Phil Alden Robinson
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